Education For Future
non profit organization
Past Events:
"K i d s f o r K i d s" art workshop
Noyes Cultural Art Center, 927 Noyes St, Evanston, IL 60201

Thank you to all children and their families from our community who participated in our "Kids for Kids" art workshop for contributing to a greater cause to build a first classroom of our Primary School Project for Children in Uganda, who currently have no access to education.
We were able to raise over $5000. All proceeds are going towards the project. This first classroom project will be a gift of children who joined our workshop to Children in Uganda. We are currently in the process of preparing all documentation to obtain the permits for construction of the classroom.
Thank you to everybody who helped in conducting the workshop : Evanston and Chicago Artist, Evanston School Teachers, Chicago well know Designers, Architects with assistance of Students of Architecture.
Workshop Event Dates:
Session I: Saturday, January 14th – Workshop: Art, Graphic
Session II: Sunday, January 15th – Workshop: Sculpture
Making an i m p a c t through Art
Exhibit was open at Noyes Cultural Art Center, Evanston, January 16th-January 26th, 2017